Emergencies are part of life. It can happen to anyone. For adults, they can seemingly manage to navigate the rough tides of an emergency. But, how do you prepare a …
Instilling security consciousness in your children (Part 2)
The security of children has become of great concern. Children are no longer free to be left alone, even in the front pouches of their houses. What is driving this …
Instilling security consciousness in your children (Part 1)
Over the years, insecurity issues have risen beyond my comprehension. Human beings have resorted to all manner of illicit acts just to make a few rectangular pieces of paper —money. …
5 Ways parents can help their kids to follow instructions
Raising children in our present society seems like a daunting task. No doubt, children are lovely people and are fun to be with. But sometimes, adhering to instructions doesn’t go …
Fun activities that families can enjoy together – Part 2
With all the happenings in the world in recent times, it can become very gloomy, depressing, and discouraging to do anything fun. Families and relationships are seriously impacted and strained …
How to be watchful while raising your children
Raising children in this present day and age can be quite challenging. We live in a fast-paced world that if care is not taken, one can lose his/her children to …
Managing holiday seasons with your family
Holiday seasons are special times of the year that families ought to have fun, create lasting memories and above all, enjoy each other’s presence. During holiday seasons, the time that …
8 Reasons you should value planning and goal-setting in your family
Adequate planning and goals setting make life flow smoothly. Just like the good old saying that if you fail to plan, then you have indirectly planned to fail. Planning is …
Breaking limits in one’s life and family
Who would have known that the troubled girl would eventually become this woman? Who could have thought that pain, sorrow and trauma would birth a new thinking and that thinking, …
Whatever you go through in your life will help others
People who have risen above the severe tides of adversities are life’s warriors. The scars of their battles bear the witness of their triumphs. These categories of people are better …