Day by day, parenting is becoming more challenging. Some parents are aware of the shift in times and seasons that we are living in currently, while some others are taken …
Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 2)
Continued from ‘Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 1)’. #3. Mannerism Mannerism involves being well cultured and cautious in one’s attitude and behaviour. Decency in …
Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 1)
Decency is a trait that we are fast losing in our world today. People tend to do and behave anyhow without a sense of who they are, and the ripple …
Reasons why you should not be ashamed of your parents and family!
Dear young people, this is a clarion call to self-realisation. A love letter meant to awaken you to the realities of peer pressure, lost identity and a fake personality. …
Raising responsible children in our homes and societies (Part 2)
As parents, we are obligated to raise responsible children. Yes, it is the desire of parents to see their children turn out great. But, the responsibility of ensuring our children …
Raising responsible children in our homes and societies (Part 1)
Parenting is a call to raise responsible children. Raising responsible children is a collective effort of the parents and society. A lot goes into raising children who will turn out …
How to prepare your children for emergencies
Emergencies are part of life. It can happen to anyone. For adults, they can seemingly manage to navigate the rough tides of an emergency. But, how do you prepare a …
Instilling security consciousness in your children (Part 2)
The security of children has become of great concern. Children are no longer free to be left alone, even in the front pouches of their houses. What is driving this …
Instilling security consciousness in your children (Part 1)
Over the years, insecurity issues have risen beyond my comprehension. Human beings have resorted to all manner of illicit acts just to make a few rectangular pieces of paper —money. …