Day by day, parenting is becoming more challenging. Some parents are aware of the shift in times and seasons that we are living in currently, while some others are taken …
Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 2)
Continued from ‘Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 1)’. #3. Mannerism Mannerism involves being well cultured and cautious in one’s attitude and behaviour. Decency in …
Infusing a sense of decency in our children (Part 1)
Decency is a trait that we are fast losing in our world today. People tend to do and behave anyhow without a sense of who they are, and the ripple …
Baby food: caring for your cute little one
Babies are a special set of people. They bring so much joy as well as give the same. They deserve to be loved, pampered, and well-taken care of. In …
How to discipline your children without yelling
Children are precious gifts presented to parents to nurture into greatness. As parents, we have the responsibility to raise our children to maximise their potentials in life. Children are wonderful …
How to care for a sick family member
Sickness is not something that anyone desires for oneself or his/her family members, but life happens. People get sick with different types of illnesses and at varying durations. Regardless of …
Does the laundry product type my family uses matter?
Have you or someone in your family ever had hives or rashes after wearing freshly-washed clothing? Due to a lack of information about the type of laundry products you or …
Is it a boy or a girl? Does it matter? Who cares…?
Pregnancy comes with joy, and sometimes, with mixed feelings for some couples. After the realisation of the pregnancy, comes other questions – when are we expecting? What are we expecting? …
Caring for your ageing parents and other family members
Parents and other family members are precious gifts that we have. Life sure starts and ends in a family. Hence, the need for us to look after each other, beginning …