Children are precious gifts presented to parents to nurture into greatness. As parents, we have the responsibility to raise our children to maximise their potentials in life. Children are wonderful …
Realising your family’s financial goals by making smart budget: A step-by-step guide
In our introductory article “Why you need budgeting to achieve your financial goals”, we focused on giving you an overview of what budgeting is all about. Until now, we have …
Why you need budgeting to achieve your financial goals
The process of balancing our income with our expenses is called ‘budgeting’. It is a way to plan to manage our expenses and money. It allows us to plan for …
A mother’s dilemma: what’s next after baby!
For most new moms, the decision on what to do next after their baby arrives maybe one of the toughest decisions they’ll ever have to make. Whether a new or …
12 Ways to settle in a new country
Almost 20 years ago, I moved to Germany from Ghana and it took me a very long time to warm up to the German life. In retrospect, I have noticed …
How to care for a sick family member
Sickness is not something that anyone desires for oneself or his/her family members, but life happens. People get sick with different types of illnesses and at varying durations. Regardless of …
How I started a family-based business
It’s definitely super exciting having tons of business ideas running in your mind. Of course, like every adventure in life, it’s even fulfilling to picture the people close to you …
Breaking limits in one’s life and family
Who would have known that the troubled girl would eventually become this woman? Who could have thought that pain, sorrow and trauma would birth a new thinking and that thinking, …
Whatever you go through in your life will help others
People who have risen above the severe tides of adversities are life’s warriors. The scars of their battles bear the witness of their triumphs. These categories of people are better …
The past doesn’t have to mirror the future: rewriting your family’s History
“Thinking about what you think about 1 is one of the most profound yet challenging ways to build a better life, become a better person, and change the past of …