
A stay-at-home parent’s guide to going back to school and work

Shirley MartinBabies, Baby, Communication, Emotional Health, Environment, Family, Healthy Living, Life, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Parents Care, Relationships, Well-being, Woman, Women Leave a Comment

It is difficult to make a major change to your lifestyle, especially if your routine has been consistent for many years. As a stay-at-home parent, every day presents unique situations …


Tips for self-care for your children and the role that parents play

Shirley MartinBabies, Baby, Communication, Emotional Health, Environment, Family, Healthy Living, Life, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Parents Care, Relationships, Well-being, Woman, Women Leave a Comment

As your kids grow up, they need to have a positive environment so they can develop into smart and successful teenagers. This starts inside the home, so take measures to …

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Formula shortage in U.S stores | helpful tips for moms

Chidimma OladipupoBabies, Baby, Emotional Health, Family, First-time Mom, Food, Healthy Living, Life, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Parents Care, Relationships, Woman, Women Leave a Comment

For some parents in the U.S, a nightmare would be going to stores to buy formula for their baby(ies) but cannot, not because they can’t afford to, but because there …

jobs for stay-at-home moms in 2022

5 Work-from-home jobs for stay-at-home moms in 2022

Chidimma OladipupoFamily, Goals, Life, Lifestyle, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Relationships, Wealth, Well-being, Wife, Woman, Women, Work Leave a Comment

Staying home to raise the kids has been part of our culture for centuries past. Men go out to work and provide for their families while women tend the home …


Break the bias | 50 inspiring and empowering women quotes

Chidimma OladipupoCommitment, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Gender, Girls, Goals, Life, Lifestyle, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Relationships, Well-being, Wife, Woman, Women Leave a Comment

International women’s day (IWD) is a “Global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality” …

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Help! My spouse feels jealous after we had our baby

Chidimma OladipupoBaby, Commitment, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Help, Husband, Life, Lifestyle, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Parenting, Partnership, Raising Children, Relationship, Relationships, Well-being, Wife Leave a Comment

Having a baby is a blessing! But then it comes with a lot of real-life responsibilities and experiences that look nothing cute or adorable like babies.  You and your partner …


Losing yourself in motherhood and how you can find yourself again

Chidimma OladipupoBaby, Commitment, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Family Members, Life, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Partnership, Raising Children, Relationship, Relationships, Well-being, Wife Leave a Comment

July 18th, 2018, my life changed! I welcomed my son, our first child and in about two years after, I gave birth to my daughter. And while these were life-transforming …


The A-Z of motherhood!

Chidimma OladipupoBaby, Commitment, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Family Members, Life, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Partnership, Raising Children, Relationship, Relationships, Well-being, Wife Leave a Comment

Motherhood feels like going to college for the first time. You get in with so much excitement and expectations and discover a lot of things on your own. Some of …


A mother’s dilemma: what’s next after baby!

Chidimma OladipupoBaby, Commitment, Communication, Emotional Health, Family, Family Members, Life, Marriage, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Partnership, Raising Children, Relationship, Relationships, Well-being, Wife Leave a Comment

For most new moms, the decision on what to do next after their baby arrives maybe one of the toughest decisions they’ll ever have to make. Whether a new or …

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Helpful breastfeeding tips for new moms!

Lacie WeverBabies, Baby, Emotional Health, Family, First-time Mom, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Care, Parenting, Parents, Raising Children, Relationships, Woman Leave a Comment

Congratulations on beginning your breastfeeding journey! If you haven’t already discovered, breastfeeding is incredible for both mom and baby (or babies). Despite this fact, beginning your breastfeeding journey can be …