Continued from Part 3. #9. Culture of food – native food! Hmmmm…Yummy. Food is life! There is this zest and satisfaction that comes with one’s native food. You …
Maintaining your cultural identity in marriage (3)
Continued from Part 2. #6. Culture of roles (man/woman) A man and a woman are two entities that have got their roles to play. Culturally, there are designated …
Maintaining your cultural identity in marriage (2)
Continued from Part 1. #3. Culture of raising children When it comes to raising children, many cultures and tribes across the globe have their ways or cultures of …
Maintaining your cultural identity in marriage (1)
Culture is people’s way of life. It is what gives anyone his or her identity. Your culture and identity sum up your name, beliefs and mannerism. People grow up holding …
Some roles of a stay-home spouse
Stay-home spouses or parents who are not working have a huge role to play in keeping the family going. To a great extent, these roles fall on the shoulders of …
The financially independent man and woman in marriage (Part 2)
Here is a continuation of the list highlighting some of the areas to guide your financial independency as an individual and as a couple. #4. Agree on how to …
The financially independent man and woman in marriage
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and it also requires finances or money to run. Not only do you need the finances for your subsistence, but …
Character traits to check before getting into a romantic relationship (Part 2)
Aromantic relationship can be as sweet as honey when the right attitude, good character and certain things are in place. Character checks before getting into a romantic relationship can help …
Character traits to check before getting into a romantic relationship
There are character checks one must do before getting into a romantic relationship. Getting into a relationship is a beautiful thing. Loving someone and being loved back is a blessing. …
Relationship dilemma: what is more important in a partner?
Romantic relationships are sweet. It feels good to have someone who loves you and adores you. However, this feeling of love and appreciation has to be mutual for the relationship …