
Reactivating family relationships with your relatives

Dazzling InsightsEmotional Health, Family, Healthy Living, Life, Lifestyle, Raising Children, Relationships Leave a Comment

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Within the last two decades, family relationships have significantly deteriorated. Families find it difficult to relate better with their relatives. Here, I am referring to the extended family members like cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, etc. that once surrounded us and brought so much joy are no longer there.


This is partly due to erroneous beliefs of jealously, backstabbing, unnecessary gossips, witchcraft, anger and other negative energies or forces. Family relationships keep going down by the day. The relatives hardly come visiting neither do families intentionally plan to have a good family time.


The internet and technological inventions such as phones ought to get us more connected with our families, but instead, families are pushed away in some kind of way. Could there be something we are missing even in the midst of the advancements in science and technology?


In essence, family is all we have, and we must cherish as well as nourish the relationships we have in our family circles.


In the last two years, the global pandemic has further buttressed the fact that everything can be paused but family. Family has always been at the centre of issues such as neglect, violence, attack, amongst others.


More than ever, there is a great need for families to reactivate their family relationships and progress from there. Here are some of the advantages of reconnecting with your family relatives:

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    #1.    It strengthens the family bond


    Relating better with one’s relatives strengthens the family bond. It gives one a sense of belonging. Simply knowing that your relatives are there for you is soothing. These are the people that will support and accompany you to marriages, birthdays, or other events that you might have.


    Yes, the character, perspectives and perhaps ulterior motives of some family relatives might make one run away from them. This is understandable. You only need to be cautious when relating with them.


    Again, some relatives go all out to be there for their family members, hence, the need to keep in touch with your relatives. It is not a bad or worrisome thing to have a large family. It is indeed a good thing.


    Please find a way and relate better with your relatives.

    #2.    The children get to know their relatives


    The search for greener pastures or changes happening around the world, such as wars or civil unrest, have made some families relocate from their natural environment. While this is a great idea to be safe, it has a tremendous impact on the children.

    dazzling-insights-note-to-grandparents 3

    Children who are relocated from their natural environment or born in the diaspora have problems connecting with their family relatives. They have problems knowing or understanding their family members, culture, and history.

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    The relatives, on the other hand, tend to hear about them, see photos at most, but don’t have actual physical interaction or connection with them. This creates a vacuum in the family after a while. To remedy this issue, parents should plan to travel home and spend a great time with their family members and let their children connect with them too.


    Also, see this article on passing down ethical values in your children here.

    #3.    It nullifies selfishness


    Selfishness can set in when someone is thinking only about his nuclear family. Yes, it is an ultimate thing to care for and provide for your nuclear family first, but at some point in one’s life, one needs to consider other family members in their decision-making.


    Reach out and help your relatives in any little way you can. Doing such will water the family relationship.

    "In essence, family is all we have, and we must cherish as well as nourish the relationships we have in our family circles."

    There is no need for individuals to be selfish over what belongs to the family. Families need to relate with one another without selfish interests.


    For families to strengthen their family relationships with one another, they need to:


    #1. Avoid jealousy: Jealousy ruins relationships. Be genuinely happy for your family members


    #2. Avert bad thoughts: Thinking negatively about your family members is a very bad thing. Please avoid it. 


    #3. Genuinely care for the members of your family.


    #4. Generously share and give


    #5. Be honest with one another


    #6. Be each other’s keeper


    #7. Love your family members


    Family relationships are vital to our well-being as humans. Therefore, reactivate your relationship with your relatives.


    Let’s continue to dazzle in our families.

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