Body enhancements affect families and relationships in different dimensions. It promises to boost one’s confidence and perhaps make one appear more sexually appealing. The question then is: What is wrong with one’s natural look?
Since when did our society degrade to fronting falsehood, and what is “sexually appealing” over that which is natural and healthy?
The truth is, there is just no basis for comparison. Maintain your natural endowments and looks. You look beautiful, sexy, healthy and amazing naturally. There is no proof that all these procedures are safe as well as improve a sexual relationship.
Small bum and boobs are not a problem. Neither is the natural endowment of big boobs or bum. So, embrace yourself, look inwards and discover yourself. Anybody who doesn’t want you because of your natural endowments (big or small) simply isn’t worth you.
These procedures are expensive (cash and health-wise). And just like any other fake thing, it is because it is not natural or original. It also has expiry dates with strict maintenance regulations.
There are negative impacts of body enhancement procedures, and below is a continuation of those. Please click here to read the first part of this article.

#3. Side effects of bum enlargement
BBL or Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is a notorious cosmetic surgery that has claimed some lives as well. Families and relationships are always impacted by the negative side effects of this surgery –death. A mother was deeply saddened by the loss of her daughter due to complications from this surgery. You and your family don’t want to be in such shoes.
BBC News also reported on this. The title alone of “why big butts can be bad for your health" says it all.
Fat embolism, which involves fat entering a patient’s bloodstream and causing a blockage in the lungs, can occur, and this is fatal. Again, contour irregularities can occur following not complying with stipulated instructions.
Do you really want to do this? Decide for yourself. To us, the risk is not worth your precious life! Mind you, it has a timeline of either 5 or 10 years. Nothing lasts forever, you know, so why the risk?
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#4. Side effects of tanning cream
The side effects of tanning cream go from rashes to cough, dizziness, and fainting. In addition, cell damage leading to skin cancer can also occur. This article by Dermatology Nurses’ Association sums it all.
According to some reports, sunscreens protect the skin but beware of how often you use them. Fake tan sprays can also be very harmful to your skin and overall health.
If your skin is melanin glazed, you might not or don’t have a need for sunscreen. Except your doctor says so with good reasons.

#5. Side effects of penis enlargement
Penis enlargement involves injecting fat cells from other body parts into the penis to increase its girth and width. Medical news today highlighted possible side effects of penis enlargement to include: swelling and distortion of the penis, disfigurement and scarring, lumpiness and infection.
You don’t want to put yourself in a disadvantaged position of the possible side effects of these procedures.
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Dear ladies, yes, some men tend to be moved by what they see in terms of the shape of a woman, but they connect more intellectually with a woman. Get that as a woman! Sex is not all the need of a man. In fact, if all a man gets from you is sex due to your enhanced looks, then you have become a sex toy. Real men or dudes appreciate the natural look and intelligence of women. You will be respected if you know your worth as a woman and maintain your natural looks, with or without natural bodily endowments.

"The truth is, there is just no basis for comparison. Maintain your natural endowments and looks. You look beautiful, sexy, healthy and amazing naturally. There is no proof that all these procedures are safe as well as improve a sexual relationship."
Guys or men in the house, some women might complain of sexual dissatisfaction due to the size of their penis. However, research has shown that the vagina adapts to the size of the penis. So, sexual pleasure is psychological and is not correlated with the penis size.
The lesson here is: love and appreciate yourself and your natural looks and endowments. Don’t be lured into these uncalled-for procedures that are detrimental to your health.
At Dazzling Insights, we encourage you to live your best life in the most natural way. Connect to nature, and feel the beauty of life through nature. These involve your food, lifestyle and relationships with people. You will certainly dazzle while at it. We love you, so love “you” too. Let’s continue to dazzle together.