“If you don’t know history, you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree.” – Michael Crichton Everything has a beginning in …
How I started a family-based business
It’s definitely super exciting having tons of business ideas running in your mind. Of course, like every adventure in life, it’s even fulfilling to picture the people close to you …
Checklist for newly married couples and couples about to marry
Relationships leading to a marriage should be nurtured in a tremendous and intentional way. Marriage is a new and different phase of any romantic relationship. So, to newly married couples …
Benefits of a family being and living together
The beauty of a family lies in the togetherness. What is a family without its members being and living together? This question is not to judge families, who for one …
Managing family finances and how to handle money issues
“My spouse’s money is our money, and my money is my money.” This used to be the saying of my friends and I when we were in the University. But …